Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Looking for your first TV job?

... There's still hope for us yet!

I'm in media planning (scheduling ITV programme promotions on the ITV channels) till August, but making the transition from the planning/marketing sector towards production/programme-making is proving more difficult than one might have thought.

If you're fresh out of uni, or looking for a career change, or like me, you're in a sort-of-relevant-in-a-round-about-way kind of job, GREAT NEWS! There are some lovely TV savvy people out there who've put together some excellent advice for getting your first job in TV...

The Unitlist (@theunitlist on Twitter) asked followers to explain how they got their first job in TV using the hashtag, #1stTVJob.

Shu Richmond, Author of So You Want To Work In TV has written an invaluable blog post about finding that crucial first job... and keeping it.

And a few other useful links:

The insiders guide to getting a job in TV

Great BBC podcast from their College of production

So before you get too disheartened with the deluge of applications and 'thanks but no thanks' emails (or worse, not hearing anything at all) give these pages a read and see if there's not a little something extra you could be doing to get yourself that first job in TV!


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