Saturday, 7 July 2012

I could never live without TV…

…Or could I?

I’m a telly lover. There’s no doubt about that. I watch it, write and tweet about it and work in it. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without TV in it.

Or rather I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without TV in it. Until last week that is…

Jetting off on my holidays, I spent the three and a half hour flight watching an old episode of Sherlock and three episodes of Father Ted (I’ve an eclectic TV taste!). I had packed two books (unfortunately both were in my hold luggage) and although I fully intended to read at least one of them throughout the course of the week, truthfully I doubted either of them would actually ever leave my suitcase

How wrong I was.

With nothing to do (in between breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner – the joys of food every three hours!) except lounge about on the deck of the Gulet boat we were staying on, or splash about in the sea, I felt a strange sense of relaxation begin to creep over me.

I say ‘strange’ because I can’t remember the last time I felt genuinely relaxed. You see, I have this little niggling friend called ‘stress’. Assignments at uni, projects at work, even packing for my holiday, you name it, I usually stress about it.

Being on a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea for a whole week was an entirely new experience for me. No wifi, no TV in a hotel room or down in the bar, in fact, there were only a few hours each day (when the generator was switched on) in which to charge electrical items full stop. And so, on day two, book number found its way out of the suitcase and into my sun cream-covered hands. 

A week passed in a blur of swimming, sunning, napping and reading and before I knew it, we were being greeted by the great British summer (wind, rain and grey skies, what else) as we stepped off the plane back in the UK.

It’s now been almost a week since I returned and I’m finding television, phones and computers a rather unwelcome distraction from, well, that’s just the problem. My phone distracts me from my computer, my computer from my TV. Life is dominated by these things. And now I’ve had a taste of life away from the perils of technology and I’m only mildly ashamed to say, ’I like it’.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, I’m a TV lover, that much has always been true, but I now know that I can (and sometimes should) live without TV.

That’s not to say I haven’t already caught up on over 10 hours of missed TV online though… 

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